What is the Illinois Family Planning Program?

The Illinois Family Planning Program at ACCESS offers low to no-cost, inclusive reproductive health resources and services for men and women that are 12 years of age or older.

September is Sexual Health Awareness Month and our team at Access Community Health Network (ACCESS), wants to help you take control of all aspects of your life, including your sexual health. Think of it as a form of self care – and if this pandemic has taught us anything, it is important to take a moment and do some good for your body, mind and spirit.


If you are looking for an inclusive space for your reproductive or sexual health needs, ACCESS is happy to offer the Illinois Family Planning Program at four suburban Chicago locations.


What is sexual health?

Sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to your sexuality. It is more than the traditional view of preventing unplanned pregnancies and diseases. Practicing safe sex requires a positive, inclusive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships when faced with pleasurable sexual experiences.


Why is my sexual health important?

According to state data, in the last 3 months, Illinois teens ages 15-19 have had almost as many STD cases than those individuals between the ages of  20-24, which is the highest among all age groups. A teens lack of knowledge about sexual health can carry on into their adult years. We believe education and sexual health services are fundamental to your health now and in the future.



Dispelling the Myths about the Illinois Family Planning Program


What is the Illinois Family Planning Program?

The Illinois Family Planning Program at ACCESS offers low to no-cost, inclusive sexual health resources and services for men and women that are 12 years of age or older. Services do not require parental consent and all patient information is kept confidential.


I’m not even thinking about planning a family, is this program for me?

Yes! The program is open to men, women and non-binary individuals that are of the reproductive age. It provides reproductive services like birth control, pregnancy and STD tests, referrals for PrEP, and free condoms but, it also includes yearly check-ups, counseling and referrals to other health services available, like mental health support services.


What are my sexual health rights?

If you are 12 or over, you can be seen under the Illinois Family Planning Program without parental or guardian consent. To protect your confidentiality right or if you have safety concerns, you have the option to sign a “Code Name Contact” form. By signing this form, your desired health center will contact you by phone or mail address by a different name.

ACCESS will not deny anyone health services based on their inability to pay or their immigration status.  It does not matter whether you are insured, uninsured or have private insurance, you can still qualify for our services.

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As of March 28, 2023