How to Host a Pinning Ceremony

Please note that the content below serves as general guidelines for places of worship but, can be altered to fit the needs of any interested organization.

  • A pre-event briefing should be held before services and include a member of the clergy and a pre-designated Pin-A-Sister®/Examínate Comadre® spokesperson (i.e., First Lady and/or faith leader, breast cancer survivor or a special guest). 

  • We will provide you with ribbons in advance of your event. Ribbons should be distributed by ushers or your volunteers along with the faith programs prior to the service. Attendees should be instructed not to wear the ribbons until the pinning ceremony.

  • During the announcement portion of the service, designated spokespersons are called to the pulpit for the pinning ceremony Please see below for sample scripts for ribbon pinning ceremonies.


For more information, contact 312.526.2374 or email